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TalkLife for Stress & Anxiety v6.2.4

TalkLife for Stress & Anxiety v6.2.4
  • 分类:社交聊天
  • 版本:v6.2.4
  • 大小:93MB
  • 小编:游人网
  • 语言:中文
  • 更新:2021-10-21 00:16:08










TalkLife for Stress & Anxiety简介

Get support and support others. Sometimes life is rough - but you’re never alone! Safely share struggles with self-harm, depression, anxiety, stress, eating disorders, bullying or suicidal feelings without judgement.

Feel better when you’re struggling and improve mental health. Peer support is a well evidenced way of helping you to feel better when you’re struggling. Life has it’s ups and downs and talking to likeminded people, many of whom may be going through something similar can really help.

TalkLife is a peer-support community that values research, evidence and impact to make sure you get the best help possible. We are clinically governed and take safeguarding very seriously.

This is your safe social network where you can talk about your worries and how you are really feeling any time of the day or night. If you want to talk about it, someone else, does too. No judgments. No bullying. Just people who get you.

Sometimes, life’s too darn hard to go through alone. We’d all feel a little better if we just felt safe and heard. So come join us and Download TalkLife for free today and make right now and everything after it a little bit better. Let’s talk and figure this life thing out together.

Share life’s ups and downs
? Talk about life’s struggles in a safe and supportive environment. No bullies or BS here. And we’re silly serious about that.
? Help new friends out by sharing tips and advice from your own experiences. It’s amazing how helpful you can be to someone out there, just by being you!
? Open up or post anonymously ? it’s totally up to you. However you want to talk? We let you do it just that way.
? Safely share struggles with anxiety, depression, stress, bipolar, self-harm, anorexia or suicidal feelings.
? Literally thousands of people are always on TalkLife-- at any time -- just waiting to listen and offer emotional support.

Get involved with a community of thousands of people just like you
? Personally chat with or send gifts to other TalkLife users you find common ground with.
? Read and comment on interesting and inspirational content from the TalkLife blog. We honestly wanna hear from you!

You’re never alone here. At TalkLife, we’re here for the moments when you just need a friend, no matter where they are. We’re here when you’re looking for someone who just understands you and what you’re going through (because someone always does). Sure, life is full of highs and lows. But it’s full of highs and lows for each and every one of us. So why do we always try to go it alone? At TalkLife, we’ve created a place where we can all work through life together. Because everything is better together. Everything. Peanut butter and jelly have proven this for like, at LEAST eight decades now.

This app offers in-app purchases. You may disable in-app purchasing under device settings.

TalkLife for Stress & Anxiety基本信息

更新时间    2018-11-21大       小    93.78MB

版       本    6.2.4最低版本    需要 iOS?8.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod?touch 兼容。

TalkLife for Stress & Anxiety更新日志

+ We have fixed an issue where hearts are displayed incorrectly.
+ Added the status bar for older iPhones.
+ Adjustments to the boost system.
+ Added some additional moods.
+ Overall performance improvements.



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